Saturday, November 1, 2014

Curug Agricon "the twin waterfall"

Curug Agricon
The rainy season has arrived, hoping anxiously, hopefully it does not rain tomorrow, because the group will be traveling back to the twin waterfalls, without any official information tomorrow, departing or not, just by word of mouth, at half past eight in the morning, gathered in front of the house of Mr Teo, has gathered 12 people consisting of Mr. Teo, Athe, Jiwata, Elan, Cha'ze, Trias, Lalan, Epay, Hendra, and surprising Dinar with her boy to come along, but not surprisingly Pak Uus there, after talking over the phone, it turns out Mr. Uus can not participate because he was caring for small children, almost forgot, we do not buy food, because there is no waterfall locations that sell food.

The first waterfall
By ordering ten rice wrapped from Mang Ahdi ,with efficient package option, after making the payment, at the time of leaving the rice shop, suddenly Mr. Uus calling, wanting to participate. Finally, wrap the rice was added. After gathering all, it's time to leave, the route to the location of the waterfall is like the first time to the waterfall, at half past nine we got the first post parking lot, out of curiosity had never seen the first waterfall, located about 50 meters from the post parking lot, turns water from rivers that flow Cimandala waterfall, the water discharge is very large, unlike previously when we come here.

The second waterfall
The third waterfall

The first waterfall location for swimming
When entering the pine forest is quite dense with bushes that covered the roads, rather wet and loose, luckily there Athe by carrying machetes, cut branches and shrubs that block our way, but we have no fear, blood-sucking species of small animals, that arise when the rainy season is a leech, is just a few leeches clinging to clothes members of our group.

 we encourage visitors to the waterfall when the rainy season arrives, in the mountains, small animals called leeches inevitably arises, how to release the suction, use water / powdered tobacco from cigarettes, there's a smoke or use eucalyptus oil to repel leeches as done by jiwata idea, proved very effective with only given water / powdered tobacco or eucalyptus oil, suction and discharge leech bite.

Be careful with the path to the falls, the road is quite slippery at the time through the pine forest, and upon entering the area of ​​the river, your eyes do not get careless when jumping over rocks and crossing the river, because the river Cimandala heavy enough, the trip to the waterfall is quite wet, but we finally arrived at their destination, the location of the twin waterfalls of the second and third there are only very sparsely attended our party alone, really alone, because of the rainy season, the twin waterfalls water is very swift, very different from when I first came.

Curug Agricon
Do not wait long, immediately jump into the water, laughing to see the behavior Dinar boy, who cries like to play water, the water flow is very large and heavy, until the water splashes on the wind to all corners of the waterfall. But be careful because of the rainy season, do not linger when you are swimming or bathing in the waterfall area, highly feared floodwaters arise suddenly, moreover cloudy weather, and the condition of the river that passes through the back roads, very risky.

Once satisfied swimming, time for lunch, with rice wrapper from Mang Ahdi saving package, while sunbathing sunlight fading due to overcast skies, we eat with gusto. Sorry rice is less. weather began cloudy, plus boys Dinar back tears, Mr. Uus advise immediately go home to avoid the risk that we can not imagine, in fact we plan to visit the falls to fourth and fifth, but by the time we surveyed, by riding on the road left of the waterfall to three, the course is very difficult, with the climbing conditions, must pass through slippery rocks, bushes became more dense, covering the road, as there is rarely a sign of people visiting the waterfall area, plus a small creature called leech very much . Maybe next time we will go, just wait.

Come back home from Curug Agricon

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